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View Patient Health Promotion Information

To view Health Promotion information about a specific patient, first perform a patient search and either add or edit the patient. On the Patient Demographics page, click the Health Promotions Info button. The Health Promotion Patient [Detail] page opens. On this page, you can:

The fields on the Health Promotion Patient [Update] page are as follows:

Field Description

SIIS Patient ID

The SIIS Patient ID number is automatically populated in this field.

First Name

The patient's first name is automatically populated in this field, but can be updated. This field is required.

Middle Name

The patient's middle name is automatically populated in this field, but can be updated.

Last Name

The patient's last name is automatically populated in this field, but can be updated. This field is required.

Mailing Name

Enter the mailing name, if different than the patient's name.

Birth Date

The patient's birthdate is automatically populated, but can be updated. This field is required.


Enter the patient's email address.

Mail Method

Select the mail method from the drop-down list (Mail, Email, Both).


The patient's street mailing address is automatically populated, but can be updated.


The patient's city is automatically populated, but can be updated.


The patient's state is automatically selected, but can be updated.

Zip Code

The patient's zip code is automatically populated, but can be updated.


The patient's county is automatically selected, but can be updated.


The patient's phone number is automatically populated, but can be updated.

Valid Address

Select Y, N, or Confirmed Valid.

Language Preference

Select the language preference from the drop-down list.

Valid Email Address

Select Y if the email address is valid (i.e., the email was successfully sent), or select N and select a reason from the drop-down list if the email address is not or cannot yet be validated.

Guardian's First Name

Enter the guardian's first name.

Guardian's Middle Name

Enter the guardian's middle name.

Guardian's Last Name

Enter the guardian's last name.

Mother's Maiden Name

Enter the mother's maiden name.

Blocking Reason (If Blocking Mail)

If the mailing was blocked, select the reason from the drop-down list.


To inactivate the patient due to death, select Deceased from the drop-down list.


Enter any comments regarding the mailing.

Last User to Update

The username of the user who last updated the information.

Last Organization (IRMS) to Update

The Organization (IRMS) that last updated the information.

Last Updated

The date and time the information was last updated.

The columns in the Patient Mailing History section (and the fields on the Patient Mailing [Add] are as follows:

Column Description

Key Line/Serial

A 16-character alphanumeric field identifying the mailing:

  • Characters 1-8 contain the Hex-encoded medical record number

  • Characters 9-13 contain the mail code with the underscore replaced by forward slashes

  • Characters 14-15 contain the language (i.e., EN, SP)

  • Character 16 is the check character that ensures there are 15 characters to the left of it.

Leading zeros are not used in this field.

Mail Code

The code for the mailing. Examples:


  • LTR30

  • L2_5Y


The type of the Health Promotion mailing.


The method of Health Promotion mailing. Examples are Mail and Email.


The result of the Health Promotion mailing. Examples:

  • F - Failed. Mailing was not received. Either it was physically returned or it was alerted by the ACS file.

  • O - OK. Mailing was successfully completed.

  • T - Temporary. Temporarily held by the post office.

  • W - Withheld. Mailing was pulled from the mail file after it was sent.

Email Address

The previous and current email addresses for the parent or guardian. Email addresses longer than 30 characters wrap to the next line.

Note icon If the Method field contains Mail, the Email Address field is blank.

Valid Email Address

Indicates if the email is valid. Examples:

  • NO - Either an email address was not provided or it was provided and the email address bounced or an unsubscribe request was received.

  • YES - The email was successfully delivered to the provided email address.

  • NO: AWAITING CONFIRMATION - An email address was provided and the initial email was sent, but the subscriber never confirmed the receipt of the initial email.

Sent Date

The date the mailing was sent.

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