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Emailings Export

The emailings export feature allows an authorized user to create export files to be sent via a web service to Constant Contact (a third-party emailing fulfillment vendor).

The export can be run for a specific emailing or all of them (default), and for the current date or a specific date.

The export file is a fixed-width plain text file with the following fields of information:

The email export can optionally be limited by county, zip code, and/or language preference. The email export initially limits the maximum age of the child to lower the number of records to be inspected. This limit is 15 years of age.

To run the emailings export report file, click on the Health Promotion > Emailings Export link in the menu. The Health Promotion Emailing Export page opens. Select the criteria for the report, then click one of the buttons:

The emailings export report criteria fields are as follows:

Field Description

Run for Date

Select either Today (default) or enter a specific date to run the report for.


Select either All, one or more types of mailings to limit the export for, or a birthdate range to limit the export report.


Select one or more counties and/or zip codes to include or exclude (select the Exclude option to exclude the selected counties), and/or select a specific language from the drop-down list.

Email Address

If the Run Export button will be used, enter at least one email address in this field. Click Validate to make sure the email address(es)s is valid. An email will be sent to any addresses in this field when the job completes.

There are two versions of the emailings export file: English and Spanish. The files can be opened/saved either individually or within a zipped (compressed) group. When the email export is re-run, the previous zipped file is deleted and a new one is generated.

Note icon  The email address information in the report is sorted by date with the most recent date on top.

To view the contents of an individual or zipped file, click on the emailing file name hyperlink on the Health Promotion Emailings Export page. A file download dialog box appears; click Open to view the file in the default text editing application (i.e., Notepad).

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