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User Preferences Default Settings

To access these settings, click Settings > Personal > User Preferences. The User Preferences section expands on the Personal Settings page. These settings are the user's personal default settings. Click Update to access the options and configure your default settings. Click Save when finished.

The settings that can be configured in this section are as follows:



Always use defaults on patient edit

When enabled, the default settings listed in Personal Settings will override existing values in the Patient Demographic Record. On the Patient Edit screen, the checkbox to populate defaults will automatically be selected.

Default Patient Search Version

Select either the simple or advance search configuration to use as the default lookup for the patient search. This setting can be overridden by the user on the Patient Search window, however. If this setting is not configured here, the default will be the simple search type.

  • Simple - Uses any combination of first name or initial, last name or initial, birthdate, WIC ID, SIIS patient ID or barcode, and chart number.
  • Advanced - Uses any combination of first name, last name, birthdate; or first name, last name, birthdate, guardian first name or mother's maiden name, street, city, state, zip, and phone number.

Default Patient Search Field

Select which field the cursor is placed in when a screen displays. This is useful when using a barcode scanner (e.g., position the cursor in the SIIS Patient ID/Barcode field on the Patient Search window for easy barcode scanning). The default cursor position when this is not set is the patient's First Name. The other two options are Last Name and SIIS Patient ID/Barcode.

Patient Name Order

Select in which order the patient name should be displayed: First Then Last, or Last Then First.

Automatic City / State / Zip Code / County Population

When this option is selected, these fields will automatically populate when they appear on any screen: City, State, Zip Code, Borough/County, or Census Area Population fields. To disable the automatic population of these fields, deselect the checkbox.

Note icon If the country is not the United States, this option must be deselected (disabled) to allow both letters and numbers to be entered into the Zip Code field on the Patient Add/Edit screens.

Use Arrow Navigation on Vaccination View/Add Screen

This setting is state-configurable and enables a user to use the keyboard's arrow keys to navigate around on the Vaccination View/Add screen. To enable the use of the keyboard arrow keys for navigation, select this option. To disable the use of the arrow keys for navigation, deselect the option.

Vaccine List Sort Order

Use this setting to configure the preferred order of vaccines on the Lot Number List screen. Examples:

  • Facility Group, Facility
  • Facility
  • Expiration Date (default order is the nearest date on top)
  • Manufacturer (second order)
  • Lot Number (third order)

Default Application

If the user has access to multiple applications, this option allows the user to select which application should be considered the default application. For example:

  • Standard (IWeb)
  • First Responder
  • Mass Immunizations
  • Provider Recruitment

Set Low Inventory Quantity for Orders

This option is available only for Vaccine Management users. The option provides the ability to set the expected order frequency at the provider level, in addition to the registry level. The value also represents the quantity that will be reached before an alert is displayed in the alerts option in the Order/Transfers menu. For more information, see Orders.

Increment Recall Count

Select this option to automatically have the increment recall count option selected on the Reminder Recall screen. This option can be overridden by the user on the Reminder Recall screen. The default is to have increment recall count option deselected (disabled) on the Reminder Recall screen.

DTT Decrement Vaccine Inventory Default

Select this option to automatically have the decrement vaccine option selected on the Vaccine Inventory and DTT Import screens.  This option can be overridden by the user.   For more information, see DTT/HL7.

Default Reminder/Recall Screen

Select either Simple or Advanced to have either the simple or advanced Reminder Recall screen display for the user.

Maximum Recall Tries

Select the maximum number of times a patient should be reminded about recalls (1-20).

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