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User Access Level: School District Client

Users with the School District Client user access level in IWeb must select an organization (IRMS), district, and state upon login. School District Client users must have districts, are restricted to those districts, and can only run reports for those districts.

School Nurse Module Menu Items

School District Client users have access to the following School Nurse Module menu categories and items:

Menu Category Menu Item Notes











Select School









View/Add (date of historical shot only)




Only those entered by the user











Edit Schools






School Reports


CASA Export (excludes Indiana)







The following permissions are available for use with the School District Client user access level. See the User Management Settings topic for information on how to assign permissions to users.

Permission Description

Block Administered Vaccine Entry

This permission blocks the user from entering administered vaccines.

Block Adverse Reaction

This permission prevents the Adverse Reaction field from displaying.

Block Contraindication

This permission prevents the Contraindications button from displaying on the Vaccination View/Add pages.

Block IWeb Core Access

Excluding Registry Client users, this permission prevents access to the IWeb Core application specifically for First Responder and Mass Immunization users.
Note icon If Block IWeb Core Access permission is set for a County View user, the Settings menu option is removed from the menu. However, if Block IWeb Core Access permission is NOT set for a County View user, only Forecast (enabled) displays.

Block Vaccination Access

This permission blocks the Vaccination category from appearing on the menu.

Bypass Ordering Requirements

This permission allows the user to skip the Correct Lot Decrementing step in the ordering workflow.

CASA Export

This permission allows the user to access the CASA Export menu category.

Child Care Administrator

This permission enables the Child Care Administrator (District or State) to edit Child Care Name, Health District, Inactive Status, Child Care Type, Licensure, ICCP, Food Program (CACFP), and Date of Last Health Inspection fields on the Edit Child Care, Child Care Maintenance, and Define Child Care Facilities screens, but only when the Child Care module is enabled.

Correct Lot Decrementing

This permission allows the user to correct lot decrementing.

Create/Send Messages

This permission enables the menu and submenu items that allow for messaging within the Organization (IRMS)/Facility.

DTT Export Source Option

This permission enables the DTT Export link to display in the Exports menu category. The export source determines whether the original record (reserve) or the current record (master) is exported.

DTT Profile Creator

This permission enables the Create DTT Profile button to display on the DTT Import and DTT Export pages.

Facility Administration

This permission enables the Facilities menu category to appear.

Inactivate Lot Numbers

This permission enables the user to inactivate lot numbers.

Inactivate Patients

This permission enables the user to view Inactive patients and inactivate them on the Patient Demographics page.

Inventory Correction

This permission allows user to perform corrections to inventory.

Lead Management Access

This permission enables the Lead menu (with the Letters, Reports, and Maps links) to display. This is only applicable when the Lead module is enabled.

Lead View Access

This permission enables the Lead menu (with the Screening History link) to display. This is only applicable when the Lead module is enabled.

Lot Number Manager Access

This permission enables the Lot Numbers menu category to display.

Management Reports

This permission enables the Management Reports link under the Reports menu category.

Note icon County View users have limited access to these reports: Pocket of Need, Patients Vaccinated, Doses Administered by Antigen and Age, and Coverage by Vaccine. When County View users are given this permission, the UFM/Scheduling permission is also required. If this permission is not included, these users cannot generate the reports.

Map Designer Access

This permission enables the Map Designer link to appear under the Reports menu category.

Mass Immunizations / Dispensing (WA)

This permission enables the Mass Immunizations application to appear in the Select Application drop-down list.


This permission displays the MyIR link on the menu for access to the MyIR application.

Physician Administration

This permission enables the Physicians/Vaccinators menu category to appear.

Provider Ordering

This permission displays the Orders/Transfers menu category and the Alerts, Current List, and Search History options. Before creating a County View user ID, however, the County View user's organization (IRMS) must first enable the Local Approver option.

Provider Recruitment Administrator

This permission displays the Provider Recruitment menu category links (Activities, Vendors, Trainings, Help Desk and Contacts). Additionally, when editing an organization, the Recruitment fields and links appear on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance page. This is only applicable when the Provider Recruitment module is enabled.

Query HL7 Access Only

This permission allows School Nurse users to be given the HL7 Upload permission to send HL7 queries, but not HL7 updates, to the immunization registry.

Registry Settings

This permission displays the Settings and Define Values sections (includes Define Email Subject)on the Registry Client's Administration Main Menu page. The links that Registry Settings enables are:
  • Registry Vaccine Family Settings
  • Properties
  • Additional Registry Settings
  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Password Rules
  • Define Email Subject
  • Patient Demographics Display Settings
  • Required Fields
  • Config Vaccines
  • IRMS/Facility Merges
  • Define Health Plans
  • Define High Risk Categories
  • Define Programs
  • Define Associations
  • Limit Manufacturer by Vaccine
  • District/Region to County/Parish Relationships
  • Define Lookups
  • Reminder Recall Exclusions
  • Forecast Preferences

Requires the System Administrator permission.

Remote Clinic Export

This permission displays the Remote Clinic link in the Exports menu category.

SNM Export Patient Data

This permission displays the Export menu category in the School Nurse module with the Export Patient Data link. School Nurse and School Nurse Facility users can only export patient data based on their assigned school. School Nurse District users can pull information for a specific school in their assigned district, or for the entire district. School Nurse Coordinator users can pull information for any school or school district. Only applicable when the School Nurse module is enabled.

School Nurse Admin Reports Only (WA Only)

Only available for Washington. Allows a School Nurse user to ONLY run Administrative Reports. No other menus are available except Main, Reports (School), Change Password, and Help. The following reports are available:
  • School Immunization Report, First Time Enterer
  • Action Report Notice/Letter Message
  • Facilities Not Reporting
  • Summary of Student Immunization Data
  • School Submission Report
  • Absentee Report
  • School Immunization Report

This permission can only be provided to a School Nurse or School Nurse District user and these users cannot be given any other permissions. Users must be assigned to a specific school or district.

School Nurse Annual Report Only (WA Only)

Only available for Washington. Allows a School Nurse user to ONLY run the Annual Report. No other menus are available except for Main and Reports (School). This permission can only be provided to a School Nurse or School Nurse District user. Users with this permission cannot be given any other permissions. Users must be assigned to a specific school or district.

School Nurse Vaccine Administrator

This permission only appears when the Enable Vaccine Administration Permission property in the School Nurse Settings is enabled. When enabled, users with the School Nurse Vaccine Administrator permission can administer vaccines and record historical vaccinations from their School Nurse login. They have full edit/delete permissions on vaccines entered by their organization (IRMS).. Vaccinations administered by School Nurse users with this permission do not show as Unverified. Only applicable when the School Nurse module is enabled.

Security Access

This permission allows specific Administrative reports to appear under Reports > Reports Module. The reports that this enables are:

  • Patient Queries
  • Patient Changes
  • Usage Tracking
  • Bad Logins

This is only applicable when the Security module is enabled.

Serology Management Access

This permission displays the Config Serology link on the Administration Main Menu page when the Enable Serology property is enabled. This option was created for providers and public health clinics that were already using the registry for immunizations, but wanted to be able to record serologies for their employees. It is simply a recording tool and does not factor into the forecast.

Serology View Access

This permission allows recording of serology/titer values, separate from immunization records. The Enable Serology property must be enabled. The Registry Settings permission is required to configure Serology Defaults.

State/Local Order Approver

This permission enables the user to approve orders that have been sent by providers.

Suppress Demographics Address Check

This permission allows a patient to be added or updated without providing address information. The purpose of this option is to allow administrators to edit fields such as Inactive status even if they do not know the patient's current address.

UFM Access

This permission displays the Scheduled Reports menu category and the Schedule buttons for specific Registry, Quality, and Administrative reports (from the Reports Module).

Update Password HL7 Access

This permission allows a user to update their HL7 password. It is used when two systems are synchronizing user information using the MFN HL7 message. For example, if a password is changes on the Hospital A side, this option also synchronizes the IWeb password for the same HL7 user.

View Pocket of Need Reports

This permission allows the Pocket of Needs Report to be run and viewed (available under Management Reports).

Waitlist Access

This permission displays the Waitlist menu under the Patient menu. The facility must also have the Enable Waiting Room property enabled.

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