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Before viewing, adding, or editing an Organization (IRMS), you must search for it first.
This topic includes the following information:
To search for an Organization (IRMS), click Organization (IRMS) > Search/Add on the menu. The Organization (IRMS) Maintenance page appears. Enter the search criteria (optional) and click Search. The search results appear in the Search Results section of the screen.
Enter fewer criteria to broaden the search and try to increase the number of search results. Enter more criteria to narrow the search results.
To view details about an Organization (IRMS), click the arrow button in the Select column for that Organization (IRMS) in the list. The Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Details] page opens where, depending on your access level and permissions, you can view the information, create an order set, edit the details, and create new notes.
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When searching for an Organization (IRMS), these are the criteria you can use to conduct your search:
Field | Description |
Inactive Status |
Select the status of the Organization (IRMS) - All Organization (IRMS), Active Only, or Inactive Only. |
Organization (IRMS) ID / Name |
Select an Organization (IRMS) ID and name from the drop-down list, after which the radio button will automatically be selected (if it isn't already). If the user selected an Organization (IRMS) previously, it is already selected. |
Organization (IRMS) ID |
Enter the Organization (IRMS) ID number, after which the radio button is automatically selected. |
Organization (IRMS) Name |
Enter part or all of the Organization (IRMS) name, after which the radio button is automatically selected. |
City |
Enter the Organization's city, after which the checkbox is selected. |
Zip Code |
Enter the Organization's zip code, after which the checkbox is selected. |
Phone |
Enter the Organization's phone number, after which the checkbox is selected. |
District / Region |
Enter the Organization's district or region, after which the checkbox is selected. |
VFC PIN (All Except Wyoming) |
Select a VFC PIN from the drop-down list, after which the checkbox is automatically selected. |
WYVIP PIN (Wyoming) |
Select a WYVIP PIN from the drop-down list, after which the checkbox is automatically selected. |
You can view and/or print a report of either one specific Organization (IRMS) or all of them. For the full report, conduct the search with no Organization (IRMS) selected and click View Report, located under the search result list. To run the report for one specific Organization (IRMS), search for that Organization, then click the Back button on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Details] page that opens. This returns you to the main Organization (IRMS) Maintenance page, where you can click the View Report button for that specific Organization (IRMS).
The report opens in a new window or tab. The report contains the search criteria, as well as Organization (IRMS) ID, VFC PIN, site name, contact person, status, phone, extension, city, and state. Use the browser's Print function to print the report.
Before adding a new Organization (IRMS), you must first conduct a search to make sure it does not already exist. Under the list of Organization (IRMS) in the Search Results, click Add.
If you attempt to add an Organization (IRMS) that is already entered in the application, a message appears indicating that the Organization (IRMS) already exists.
After clicking Add, the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Add] page appears. Enter as much information about the Organization (IRMS) as possible (the required fields are in bold red text) and click Save.
The fields available on this page are as follows:
Field | Description | |
Possible Organization (IRMS) ID |
This is a computer-generated number for the new Organization (IRMS). It can be changed if necessary. This field is required and must be unique. |
Organization (IRMS) Name |
If not automatically populated, enter the full, complete name of the Organization (IRMS). This field is required. |
Organization (IRMS) NPI ID |
Enter the Organization's NPI ID. |
Organization (IRMS) Provider Assigned Name |
Enter the Organization (IRMS) provider's assigned name. |
Organization (IRMS) Authorized Global Submitter |
Select the Organization (IRMS) authorized global submitter from the drop-down list. |
Suppress Organization (IRMS) Name |
Select this option to prevent the "owning" Organization (IRMS) name from displaying on the patient demographics, vaccination view/add, and vaccination details screens. The primary reason for using this option is confidentiality. Previous providers are not considered to be confidential, but there are some providers that might be, such as jails, HIV/STD clinics, Planned Parenthood, etc. |
Inactive |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is inactive. Since records cannot be deleted, setting the Organization (IRMS) as inactive flags it so that it cannot be used. |
Street Address |
Enter the first line of the street address or PO Box. This field is required. |
Street Address 2 |
Enter the second line of the street address. |
City |
Enter the city name of the Organization (IRMS) location. This field is required. |
State |
Select the state from the drop-down list. This field is required. |
Zip Code |
Enter the zip code for the Organization (IRMS). If more than one zip code exists, the Select Zip Code dialog box will appear. This field is required. |
County |
Enter the City and State information first, then select the county, parish, borough or census area from the drop-down list. If the City and State are not entered first, this list will be blank. This field is required. |
Phone |
Enter the Organization's phone number. An error message will appear if a phone number with repeating digits is entered (e.g., 111-1111). |
Phone Extension |
Enter the extension number associated with the Organization's phone number. |
Fax |
Enter the Organization's fax number. An error message will appear if a phone number with repeating digits is entered (e.g., 111-1111). |
District |
Enter the district or region. This is a whole number and must be known by the user. |
Contact Person |
Enter the first name of the Organization's contact person. |
Enter the Organization's email address. |
Reporting Method |
Select the method the Organization (IRMS) uses for reporting (e.g., Direct Data Entry, DTT Import, Batch HL7). If the method is DTT Import, the DTT Profile Name field must have a valid entry. |
DTT Profile Name |
If the reporting method is DTT Import, enter the name of the profile being used. |
Computerized |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is computerized. |
Internet Access Type |
Select the type of Internet access the Organization (IRMS) uses from the drop-down list. Examples:
VFC Representative |
Enter the name of the VFC representative for the Organization (IRMS). |
Enter a VFC PIN. The number must be unique or an error will appear stating Error: Duplicate VFC PIN. |
Next VFC Visit Date |
Enter the date of the next scheduled VFC visit, in MMDDYYYY format. |
Disable VFC/Publicly Supplied Functionality |
Select this option to disable the VFC/Publicly Supplied (or Funding Source) functionality throughout the application. This will remove the VFC Status and Publicly Supplied/Funding Source fields from the Vaccination add/edit pages, the Lot Number add/edit pages, and the Select Lot Number pop-up. This will also cause vaccination barcoding to NOT require matching inventory. |
Site Type |
Select a site type from the drop-down list. Examples:
Provider Agreement Facility Type |
Select the Facility type for the provider agreement. If Other is selected, a description must be entered in the next field. |
Provider Agreement Facility Type Other |
Enter a description for Other in the previous field. This field is required if Other is selected in the previous field. |
Automatic Ownership Blocked |
If this option is selected, the Organization (IRMS) cannot own patient and vaccination records. An Organization (IRMS) with blocked ownership does not display in the drop-down list on the patient demographics screen. When adding an administered vaccination, the Organization (IRMS) on the patient demographics screen is not populated with the Organization (IRMS) from the administered shot. |
Comments |
Enter any other information to keep on file for the Organization (IRMS). Maximum of 254 characters. |
Recruiter (Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module only) |
Select the name of the recruiter from the drop-down list. This field is required. See the Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module User Guide for more information. |
Recruiting Status (Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module only) |
Select the recruiting status from the drop-down list. This field is required. See the Provider Recruitment and Tracking Module User Guide for more information. |
Local Approval Organization (IRMS) |
Select the appropriate jurisdictional Organization (IRMS) for approving vaccine orders. This option is only visible if the user has state or local order approver permission. |
Is Local Approver |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is a local approver. This option is only visible if the user has state or local order approver permission. |
Is State Approver (Distributor) |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is a state approver (distributor). This option is only visible if the user has state or local order approver permission. |
Is Depot |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is a vaccine depot. Only one Organization (IRMS) can have this option enabled. If this option is selected (enabled), the Is State Approver and Is Local Approver options must be disabled. |
Is Vaccine Return Depot |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is a vaccine return depot. Multiple Organizations can be designated as vaccine return depots. If the Registry has multiple Organizations with this option enabled, a required field appears on the vaccine return page to allow the user to select the correct vaccine return Organization (IRMS). This option is only visible if the user has state or local order approver permission.
Is Vactrack User (Alaska) |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) submits data to the system but is not a VFC provider or VOMS user. The reason for this is so that there is a way to pull this information for providers that are not captured in the VFC information distribution on the provider contact report. |
Provider Agreement (displays when enabled in Administration properties) |
Allow Provider Agreements |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is able to allow provider agreements. This option only appears if the Administration > Properties > Vaccine Management option Enable Provider Agreement Features is selected. If Allow Provider Agreements is selected/enabled, the Organization (IRMS) can use the Orders/Transfers > Search Agreement feature to view/approve provider agreements. The provider agreement fields are linked at the Organization (IRMS)/Facility level associated with the VFC PIN. The Organization (IRMS) or Facility Maintenance page updates when the agreement is approved. |
Shipping Address Street |
Enter the first line of the address where the vaccine order shipments will be sent/shipped. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Shipping Address Street 2 |
Enter the second line of the address where the vaccine order shipments will be sent/shipped. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Shipping Address City |
Enter the city name where the vaccine order shipments are to be sent. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Shipping Address State |
Select the state where the vaccine order shipments are to be sent. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Shipping Address County |
Select the county, parish, borough or census area for the vaccine order shipments. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Shipping Address Zip |
Enter the zip code for the vaccine order shipments. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. If multiple zip codes have been entered for the city, the Select Zip Code dialog box will appear. Otherwise, the zip code may be automatically populated. |
Shipping Instructions |
Enter any special shipping instructions, including a contact person's name, phone, fax, and/or email address. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address Street |
Enter the first line of the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address Street 2 |
Enter the second line of the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address City |
Enter the city for the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address State |
Select the state for the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address County |
Select the county, parish, borough, or census area for the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Mailing Address Zip |
Enter the zip code for the mailing address where correspondence for vaccine order shipments are to be mailed. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. If multiple zip codes have been entered, the Select Zip Code dialog box appears. Otherwise, the zip code may be automatically populated. |
Contact Details |
Type 1 (and 2-5) |
Select a contact type. Examples: Vaccine Delivery, Mailing, Facility. |
Contact First Name 1, Middle Initial 1 and Last Name 1 (and 2-5) |
Enter the name of the contact person. |
Phone Number 1 (and 2-5) |
Enter the phone number for this contact. |
Phone Number Extension 1 (and 2-5) |
If applicable, enter the phone extension for this contact. |
Fax Number 1 (and 2-5) |
Enter the fax number for this contact. |
Email Address 1 (and 2-5) |
Enter the email address for this contact. |
Vaccine Management |
Certifying Provider |
Enter the name of the certifying provider. This is used to support the depot using VOMS. This field is populated from the provider agreement with the same VFC PIN. |
Certifying Provider Phone |
Enter the phone number for the certifying provider. This is used to support the depot using VOMS. This field is populated from the provider agreement with the same VFC PIN. |
Certifying Provider Fax |
Enter the fax number for the certifying provider. This is used to support the depot using VOMS. |
Certifying Provider Email |
Enter the email address for the certifying provider. This is used to support the depot using VOMS. |
Agreement Signatory Name |
Enter the name of the agreement signatory. |
Agreement Signatory Title |
Enter the title of the agreement signatory. |
Original VFC Cert Date |
Enter the original VFC certification date. |
Current Certification Date |
Enter the date of the current certification. |
Freezer average temperature of 5 ° F or colder |
Select this option to indicate that the average temperature of the freezer is 5 ° F or colder, if applicable. |
Separate, insulated freezer door |
Select this option to indicate that there is a separate insulated freezer door on the freezer, if applicable. |
Freezer Measuring Device |
Select the device used to measure the freezer temperature. The choices are:
Other Device |
If the Freezer Measuring Device is Other, enter a description here (required). |
Allow Online Orders |
Select this option is the Organization (IRMS) can send vaccine orders online. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. Once this option is enabled, the VFC PIN field is required. |
Allow Vaccine Transfers |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is able to allow vaccine order transfers. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Allow Vaccine Returns |
Select this option if the Organization (IRMS) is able to allow vaccine returns. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Default physical inventory on order |
Select this option to display the Current Inventory for that Vaccine on the Create Order > Order Details page for the Physical Inventory column. If selected (enabled), the current inventory displays on the Create Order screen as read-only. This field is used for reconciliation and controls the defaults in the Physical Inventory column on the Create Order page. If not selected (disabled), a blank field displays on the Create Order screen for the user to enter their own quantity. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Default doses used last month on order |
Select this option to display the Default Doses Used Last Month in the Doses Used Last Month column on the Create Order > Order Details screen. If not selected (disabled), a blank field displays on the Create Order screen for the user to enter their own quantity. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Order Threshold Percent |
Enter a numeric value to represent the percentage of orders to reach before placing an order for the Organization/Facility. There is also a registry-wide setting in the Administration properties that is used if a setting is not entered here (see Settings). However, this setting overrides the registry-wide setting. |
Ordering Frequency |
Select the provider's ordering frequency from the drop-down list. Choices are:
If the Organization (IRMS) does not have an ordering frequency set, the ordering frequency is derived from the registry setting. If there is an IRMS/Facility setting, it will override the registry setting.
Order Timing |
Select the timing to provide the ability to record ordering timing on both the Organization (IRMS) and Facility add/update screens. This is not a registry-wide setting. Choices are:
Order Frequency Start Month |
Select a month for the start of the order frequency timing. Appears on both the Organization (IRMS) and Facility add/update screens. This is not a registry-wide property setting. Choices are January, February, March, April, May, or June. This field uses the Ordering Frequency field to determine a valid schedule. No order schedule displays for twice monthly, monthly, or annual frequencies.
If the Organization (IRMS)/Facility does not have an order start date set, the order schedule is not validated.
Recommended Quantity Calculation |
Select the recommended calculation to use for the recommended quantity (Based on Administered Doses, Based on Order History). This determines how the default quantity is calculated. (The Recommended Quantity default can also be turned off under Administration > Properties > Vaccine Management, which is recommended when there is no data yet.) If Based on Administered Doses is selected, the Recommended Quantity is rounded off to a whole number divisible by the vaccine Package Size for publicly supplied vaccines. If Based on Order History is selected and an order is created with an Order Quantity that is more or less than the Order Threshold Percent and Recommended Quantity, an alert displays and the order is queued for Manual Review. Additionally, when using order history, the safety stock is already factored in and does not need to be added separately. |
Enable Auto-Receive |
Select this option to allow an uploaded McKesson file to populate lot numbers on open orders. If part of an order is missing from the McKesson file, the new order is created upon receipt. |
Order Set/Order Type |
Select the order set and order type that define the vaccines that the Organization (IRMS) can order from the drop-down list. The user must have state or local order approver permission in order to see this option. |
Allow only one brand selection per vaccine |
Select this option to require users to select only one vaccine brand. |
Require Manual Deduplication for Intra-Organization (IRMS) Merges |
Select this option to have the system queue records for Manual Review if a new patient is an exact match to an existing patient within the same Organization (IRMS). If this option is disabled, the current deduplication behavior is applied.
Bypass Dose-Level Accountability |
Select this option to activate the business logic that allows providers that do not track their inventory to the patient dose level, to enter the appropriate reconciliation data to record their current physical inventory. If this option is selected/enabled, the Reconciliation page automatically populates the reason with Matches Physical Inventory. When the physical inventory value is entered and the user tabs out of the field, the reason automatically defaults to the correct add/subtract Matches Physical Inventory reason and all other reasons are removed from the drop-down list. For example, if a site does not manage inventory in the Registry and does not decrement from inventory by either the electronic import decrementing logic or by selecting the lot during direct data entry, the system does not know the doses used value for the site. In this case, the provider needs to do their own refrigerator count and enter that number, rather than record each inventory adjustment individually. This is needed to simplify data entry and increase participation among sites that are not significant Registry users.
Upload Temperature Data |
Select this option to allow the Organization (IRMS) to upload the cold storage temperature data. |
Cold Storage Physical Location |
Select this option if there is a cold storage physical location. Note that if this is not selected, authorized users have the ability to fulfill an order with one or more lots. |
Facility Required for this Organization (IRMS) |
Select this option to require users to select a Facility upon login, rather than requiring it at the Registry level. The default setting should be set to Required or Yes for existing Facilities. When enabled, the menus are disabled until a Facility is chosen. Facility Group users are required to select a Facility prior to proceeding. |
Click here to select receiving transfer Organization (IRMS) and facilities |
This option only appears if the Administration > Properties > Vaccine Management > Limit Organization (IRMS) and Facilities to Receive Transfer option is enabled (selected). If this option is enabled and the Allow Vaccine Transfers option (previous field) is selected, this becomes a required field. Click this link to open the Select Receiving Transfer Facilities window. Select one or more Organizations/Facilities that can receive vaccine transfers and click the double-chevron (>>) button to transfer them to the Selected box. Click Done when all of the Facilities have been selected. Once Done is clicked, a validation is performed. If the Allow Vaccine Transfers is selected but no Organizations/Facilities were selected, an error message appears at the top of the screen stating Please select the receiving transfer facilities. If a new Facility is being added, the selected Receiving Transfer Facilities are saved to the database only when the Facility has been created and saved. Once saved, only the selected Organizations/Facilities are populated on the Create Transfer screen in the Receiving Organization (IRMS) and Receiving Facility drop-down lists. |
Add Facility |
Select this option, located immediately above the Cancel, Reset and Save buttons, if you want to add a new Facility as your next step. Otherwise, you will be returned to the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance page. You must have state or local order approver permission to see this option. |
To edit an Organization's information, search for the Organization (IRMS) and click on the arrow button in the Select column for that Organization (IRMS) in the Search Results list. On the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Detail] page that opens, click Edit. Make any necessary changes on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance Update page and click Save.
The fields available on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance Update page are the same as detailed in the Add an Organization (IRMS) section, with these additional fields:
Field | Description |
Organization (IRMS) Last Updated Date |
Displays the last date/time the Organization (IRMS) was updated. |
Organization (IRMS) Last Updated By |
Displays the user name of the user who last updated the Organization (IRMS). However, if the last update was based on the approval of a provider agreement, the user who approved the agreement will appear here. |
Organization (IRMS) Created Date |
Displays the date and time the Organization (IRMS) was originally created. |
Organization (IRMS) Created By |
Displays the user name of the person who originally created the Organization (IRMS). |
Registry Client users can immediately create a new order set for a specific Organization (IRMS) by clicking the Create Order Set button on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Detail] page for that Organization (IRMS). If an order set has already been created for that Organization (IRMS), the button will display as Modify Order Set.
To view recent notes about an Organization (IRMS) or to create new notes, follow the steps to search for an Organization and view the data on the Organization (IRMS) Maintenance [Details] page for that Organization. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. If any notes were created previously, the most recent ones appear at the bottom of the page. There is also an option to view prior notes. To add a new note, click Create New Notes, add the new note in the pop-up window, and click Save.
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